Algebra 2 with Mr. Auch   
 It's about the journey, not the destination...........
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  Course Information 

"Holt Algebra 2"
Topics Studied:

Chapter 1: Foundations for Functions
Chapter 2: Linear Functions
Chapter 3:
Linear Systems
Chapter 5: Quadratic
Chapter 6: Polynomial Functions
Chapter 7:
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 8: Rational and Radical Functions
Chapter 9: Properties and Attributes of Functions
Chapter 10: Conic Sections

Chapter Information:
As we proceed through the course, each Chapter section will have a note buddy.  The student can download  each note buddy and print them out for their personal use. Each note buddy will have the concepts, vocabulary, and the examples that will be covered in section.

Course Requirements:
Students taking Algebra 2 at Christ School must have successfully completed Algebra 1 and must have a teacher's recommendation or approval.

Calculator:  Students are required to have a graphing calculator. Christ School recommends a TI-84+

Text:   "Holt Algebra 2"

Three ring binder to hold note buddies, notes, quizzes, and tests.

Pencils, pencils, and more pencils...........